Slice of Life: Day 15

This is Day 16, but I’m still on Day 15!   I’m still plugging along.  Life happens and I’m rolling with it.

For the last year, I’ve been obsessed with photographing in the golden hour.  Having just discovered that the sun’s special angle and projection at this hour is truly breathtaking, I feel like I’ve been let in on a tremendous secret.  In November, you can get as much as 3 hours of golden, if you plan it just right.

On a recent late November day, I ventured out with my daughter for a photo walk.  On these ambles, we talk, laugh, visit some beautiful place and I fool around with my camera.   It is nice to have a daughter who is a willing participant in my photography adventures!

Here is a poem I wrote in response to what I captured that day with my lens and my heart.


Eyes like pools of glass,


A smile, like gently blowing stalks of wheat,


Hair like rays from that self-luminous body

which gives us warmth,


Prone to laughter and contemplation

as the moon tracks the earth,


You are the golden hour,


I watch and breathe and admire your light.

12 thoughts on “Slice of Life: Day 15

  1. Beautiful photos accompanied with a lovely poem. The author’s (your) love for the subject (your daughter) is strongly visible. I went back looking at your September golden hour photography. Amazing photos.


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