Slice of Life 2019: Day 7

Getting the Boot

Day 7 went differently than I planned.

I feel bad too because I kept telling him he’s got to stay off the trampoline.

But, I realized when we walked into the Orthopedic’s office that he had re-injured an old fracture from last year. That old injury was weak and any kind of strenuous activity could’ve caused this.

He was a brave bear though with all the pain and swelling.

Sliding the boot over his fractured ankle was excruciating, but he managed it without tears.

Dang trampoline!

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9 thoughts on “Slice of Life 2019: Day 7

  1. Getting the boot, both figuratively and literally! His look as that boot is being slid on tells the whole story. Thank you for sharing this painful slice! I hope he heals quickly! 🙂


  2. I think I am most drawn to the emotions in this piece of writing – pride in your brave bear and the frustration of the dang trampoline. Best wishes for your son’s recovery from this fracture.

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